At this moment in time I’m quite cranky.
I’ve spent half an hour wrestling with WordPress and Premise which have both conspired to make html randomly disappear which means the page to sign up to get your copywriting freebies and find out about the sales page boot camp has been going haywire.
There was a lot of swearing when I found out the lovely Facebook comments from people had magically gone away.
But I’m still happy to be giving away the next freebie which is your…
Rapid Sales Page From Start To Finish.
Though considering my mood, I’m thinking of changing it to Rabid Sales Page From Start To Finish
Still, watch this video from when I was happy and carefree and then sign up for your goody.
Make sure you sign up and download your copywriting freebie, it will make you happy and I’ll be less cranky 🙂
Hi Amy,
You were mentioned on a round-up post from SoloBizCoach and I clicked through. I’m a first time visitor here. Also, you wrote a great Aristotle article (yeah, deliberately strung those two words together) on Copyblogger.
I have a demo site with Premise loaded up that I’ve been tinkering with lately. Did you buy early and get the unlimited goodies with Premise?
You made me curious so I’ve signed up. I’ll share feedback after I go through your pdfs later. Thanks for your time and effort on the goodies!
Hi Jon,
Great to see you here! I didn’t sign up to Premise straight away but have the unlimited versin yes. 🙂
Be good to hear from you again, let us know how you get on with the freebies!