Wednesday 27th April
930am-1030am PST (1230-1230 EST /530-630pm GMT)
You’d probably much rather be coaching, teaching, working or frolicking in a field of daisies than writing your own web copy.
And if you do get through writing it, you might have found that it just doesn’t sound like you.
You might even worry that when your customer’s read your content, they think “wow, they seemed so alive in their tweets, on the phone and in person, but on their site, they sound like they’d rather be doing something else.”
So in this webinar I’m going to go through:
- The problems that stop us writing
- The 5 key pages you’ll want on your website
- Common mistakes to avoid
- How to sound like you
- How to persuade visitors to take action
- Any questions you might have
So simply fill in your details on this page and you’ll get all the instructions you need to attend.
Oh, and yes, there will be a replay – but only if you register, so get your name and email in that magical box up there!
I can’t wait to see you there, it’s going to be a heck of a lot of fun