Here’s a quick post to let you know that you can now register to access the Sales Page Q and A Session in which I answer some of the most common sales pages conundrums including:
- How the heck do I write it so it sounds like me?
- How do I let people know my business is different, without writing “my business is different?”
- Do you have a quick tip on writing about benefits? Like, something I can use straight away?
- I don’t want to seem like I’m selling, but yeah, I want to make some sales… um, help!?
- I want to write a sales page that doesn’t sound like a campaign speech, how do I do this?
- How do I promote adult-entertainment products to a general audience without getting my wrists slapped?
Okay, so the last one probably isn’t the most common of questions, but it was a great one and I promised to answer everything I got.
So, you want in, to listen now? And download for keepsies?
All you have to do is register – and don’t forget, you’ll also get the other freebies I’m giving away (which includes a neat little report with some techniques for structuring a super simple sales page)
So take some action and kick your sales page’s behind…
It’s great thing that now we can access the Sales Page Q and A Session 🙂
Thanks for it..!
Website designers india