One piece of copy can get rave reviews from one person and be detested by the next.
It’s why for business owners find copywriting such a minefield at times.
One of the biggest fears?
How am I going to…you know, sound in my writing? Will I come across as pushy? Or not confident enough?
It’s a valid concern. If you don’t get your marketing tone-of-voice right for your audience and your product, your sales copy is going to fall flat.
So here’s a little test for you.
Based on your customer profile, which ones do you think will work for your audience and what can you learn from that?
Informative or Boring?
Deliver predictable, high-quality implementation results, faster with lower costs and less risk. Built on proven [BRAND NAME] technology you can trust [PRODUCT NAME]
It’s short and sweet but what are you thinking?
Are you already asleep? Or do you feel it’s a trustworthy solution (I know the specific details are sparse).
For most coaches and consultants in a personal role this type of language probably feels too dry to their customers. However, for a technology, software or large business marketing to other businesses, this style often feels just right.
Flimsy or Caring?
We’ll carefully walk you through the process step-by-step until you’re confident in using [PRODUCT] for your own business.
How about this one? Would your customers feel reassured or mollycoddled?
If your audience isn’t familiar with you, your service or how to solve their problem, this could be just the phrase they want to hear. However if you’ve got a gung-ho customer who wants to master the product by yesterday it might feel a little too weak.
Too Much Information or Personable?
So there I was, enjoying the summer, hanging out in my PJs with my gorgeous kids and that’s when I thought…
Let’s say this leads into the sale of a product.
Is the image of someone in their night-clothes a step too far for marketing, or do you welcome this peek behind the scenes?
Again, it varies.
For some, this sharing would lower the credibility of the writer. However, for others it can make the reader feel like they really know this person. As a result you often see a similar style with personality entrepreneurs who use their personality as a big part of their sales copy.
High Energy or Over the Top?
If you want to settle for an average life, with a crummy paycheck and a so-so house then fine. This product is NOT for you. But if you want to move into the BIG LEAGUES and dominate your industry, read on…
How are you feeling?
Engaged or insulted?
For some, this style of copy is a step too far. It’s aggressive and full on and can rub people up the wrong way, even offend.
But for others who feel they deserve much better, and respond well to a bit of Sergeant Major shouting, this could be just the style they need to trigger them into action.
All styles of phrases work very well in different industries, they key is to choose the right one for your customers.
So what do you think? Which style resonated with you and which do you think would turn your customers cold? Let me know in the comments!
[…] might not be the right tone of voice for your customer, but the sales page then cleverly highlights 9 different reasons why the reader’s […]