Happy New Year to you!
I hope your New Year is getting off to a grand start, but if it isn’t, don’t worry. This time last year I was living at the bottom of a friend’s garden with no clue what my next move was going to be. I wasn’t enjoying my work, had very few new clients lined up and had no clue what kind of copywriting projects I wanted. I felt ten steps behind and had no idea how to get myself out of the funk I was in.
And that was the most important lesson for me in 2010.
Because one year on I have more clarity about what I want to do, I am working on writing projects that inspire me, I’m excited about upcoming projects, I’m optimistic about 2011 and more than ever I feel like I am creating my own journey. I don’t have a 6-figure business (yet), but I have amazing clients who do, and I have a modest but incredibly receptive, intelligent and wonderfully engaging newsletter readers (what do you mean you’re not on there?!).
And I didn’t do it alone.
This post is about the people who helped me in 2010 and about the kind of people you need if you want to succeed as a freelancer or small business owner.
The life coach
Why you need one
You know how sometimes you just need to chat out loud to make sense of things? Well that’s what a life-coach helps you do. Except it’s much cleverer than that. For one, they won’t tell you off like your mum might, they also won’t offer you “helpful but annoying” advice like your dad might (such as telling you to modify your voicemail because you’ll turn away business). What they do is listen, and then coach you past any sticking points whilst giving you a friendly kick up the bum to make the changes in your life that you need to make.
Who helped me
Working with Tim Brownson was a turning point for me in 2010. I thought we would delve into my past and see why I was getting stuck. Nope, instead we focused on the present and the future including what I wanted to change and how I could do it. In just 4 sessions we had run out of sticking points because he really is that good. From working with Tim I got a significant break in my career and I still use the tools he gave me which continue to pull me out of my funks.
The professional membership group
Why you need one
Commenting on blogs and posting on Twitter can make you feel like you’re part of a community, but if you want to feel part of a community that can actively help you, support you and generate income for you, then you will want to be part of an online membership community. Here you can network pro-actively with like-minded action takers and be privy to the behind the scene lessons people might not be ready to share with the whole world just yet. Choose one with people who are similar to you or a few steps ahead of you in terms of your business progress. Pick one that offers you no-fluff material and make sure you spend time helping out the other members as well!
Who helped me

In 2010 Sonia Simone’s Remarkable Marketing Blueprint has been an invaluable resource. Not only are the lessons solid, with practical applications that get results if you use them, but the community is friendly, incredibly supportive and generous with their time. I owe a lot to the people in this community for their belief and feedback to my ideas and products.
The Business coach
Why you need one
Whilst a life coach can help you unglue the stickiness in your personality that’s holding you back, a business coach can do that specifically to your business. Ideally you want someone in your niche who is steps ahead of you to guide you through the minefield of the latest trends, techniques and tools that can help you. They’ll also be able to focus your mind to remove the clutter and overwhelm and are a great support when you just don’t know what your next step should be.
Who helped me

Lateral Action was one of the websites that gave me the courage to leave my job and carve out a creative path of my own. I’ve written a couple of articles for Lateral Action as well as being a charter member on its comprehensive business course (watch this space if you’re interested in finding out more…). So it was no real surprise that I picked Mark McGuinness to give me some end of year booster coaching with a few shots in the arm lined up for the New Year. Mark is patient, understanding, encouraging and frighteningly smart (but lovely with it). If you’re in a creative field, he’s a wonderful business coach and if you can’t afford his coaching yet, do sign up to Lateral Action. It’s fantastic.
The Peers
Why you need them
When you work for yourself, you lose your water cooler privileges. Most of your friends won’t understand your frustrations, worries or your triumphs. They may think that you spend your days working in front of the TV, or that you can take any time off that you like because you are your own boss. If you’re parents are like mine, then they are incredibly proud, but have no clue what it is you do.
So reach out to people who do understand, who you can bounce off and sound off to. Who you can encourage and pick up when they’re flagging in self-belief and who you can call on for support when you feel like you’re doing the same.
Who helped me

Most of the members of the Remarkable Marketing Blueprint have been an enormous help but I’ve spent more time recently talking to Iain Gray from Ten More Clients. Iain is incredibly astute when it comes to hunting down new clients, and he’s also a whizz at mind mapping, coaching and asking those questions you hope no-one will ask (such as…”are you sure that’s helping you achieve your goals?”) but in such a lovely way it’s the nicest telling off you’ve ever had.
Other memorable faces along the way…
This year has been mind blowing in terms of the people I’ve met who have really affected me in a positive way. There’s been Kenneth Castiel who introduced me to The Alchemist and is the man you’ll want to listen to if you want no-nonsense business advice from someone who built a multi-million pound business up from scratch. Paul Evans is the best public speaker I have ever seen and as well as being ridiculously productive (he’s a 4am riser) he is motivated to success by 100x Missions, a charity that helps educate and support orphaned children. Carline Anglade-Cole is the Million Dollar copywriter, and her materials are must-have reading for anyone who is serious about really getting to grips with the craft of writing copy that generates six-figure results.
People to come…
In 2011 I want to continue helping passionate entrepreneurs with their sales copy and course materials. I am also on the lookout for a great VA and possible another writer to help me with the work I’ll be taking on as I stagger and stumble through another amazing lesson of a year!
What about you? Who are the people that have helped you along in 2010? And who are you looking for to help out in 2011?
You are not an island
Happy New Year to you!
I hope your New Year is getting off to a grand start, but if it isn’t, don’t worry. This time last year I was living at the bottom of a friend’s garden with no clue what my next move was going to be. I wasn’t enjoying my work, had very few new clients lined up and had no clue what kind of copywriting projects I wanted. I felt ten steps behind and had no idea how to get myself out of the funk I was in.
And that was the most important lesson for me in 2010.
Because one year on I have more clarity about what I want to do, I am working on writing projects that inspire me, I’m excited about upcoming projects, I’m optimistic about 2011 and more than ever I feel like I am creating my own journey. I don’t have a 6-figure business (yet), but I have amazing clients who do, and I have a modest but incredibly receptive, intelligent and wonderfully engaging newsletter readers (what do you mean you’re not on there?!).
And I didn’t do it alone.
This post is about the people who helped me in 2010 and about the kind of people I think you need if you’re a freelancer or small business owner.
The life coach
Why you need one
You know how sometimes you just need to chat out loud to make sense of things? Well that’s what a life-coach helps you do. Except it’s much cleverer than that. For one, they won’t tell you off like your mum might, they also won’t offer you “helpful but annoying” advice like your dad might (such as telling you to modify your voicemail because you’ll turn away business). What they do is listen, and then coach you past any sticking points whilst giving you a friendly kick up the bum to make the changes in your life that you need to make.
Who helped me
Working with Tim Brownson was a turning point for me in 2010. I thought we would delve into my past and see why I was getting stuck. Nope, instead we focused on the present and the future including what I wanted to change and how I could do it. In just 4 sessions we had run out of sticking points because he really is that good. From working with Tim I got a significant break in my career and I still use the tools he gave me which continue to pull me out of my funks.
The professional membership group
Why you need one
Commenting on blogs and posting on Twitter can make you feel like you’re part of a community, but if you want to feel part of a community that can actively help you, support you and generate income for you, then you will want to be part of an online membership community. Here you can network pro-actively with like-minded action takers and be privy to the behind the scene lessons people might not be ready to share with the whole world just yet. Choose one with people who are similar to you or a few steps ahead of you in terms of your business progress. Pick one that offers you no-fluff material and make sure you spend time helping out the other members as well!
Who helped me
In 2010 Sonia Simone’s Remarkable Marketing Blueprint has been an invaluable resource. Not only are the lessons solid, with practical applications that get results if you use them, but the community is friendly, incredibly supportive and generous with their time. I owe a lot to the people in this community for their belief and feedback to my ideas and products.
The Business coach
Why you need one
Whilst a life coach can help you unglue the stickiness in your personality that’s holding you back, a business coach can do that specifically to your business. Ideally you want someone in your niche who is steps ahead of you to guide you through the minefield of the latest trends, techniques and tools that can help you. They’ll also be able to focus your mind to remove the clutter and overwhelm and are a great support when you just don’t know what your next step should be.
Who helped me
Lateral Action was one of the websites that gave me the courage to leave my job and carve out a creative path of my own. I’ve written a couple of articles for Lateral Action as well as being a charter member on its comprehensive business course (watch this space if you’re interested in finding out more…). So it was no real surprise that I picked Mark McGuinness to give me some end of year booster coaching with a few shots in the arm lined up for the New Year. Mark is patient, understanding, encouraging and frighteningly smart (but lovely with it). If you’re in a creative field, he’s a wonderful business coach and if you can’t afford his coaching yet, do sign up to Lateral Action. It’s fantastic.
The Peers
Why you need them
When you work for yourself, you lose your water cooler privileges. Most of your friends won’t understand your frustrations, worries or your triumphs. They may think that you spend your days working in front of the TV, or that you can take any time off that you like because you are your own boss. If you’re parents are like mine, then they are incredibly proud, but have no clue what it is you do.
So reach out to people who do understand, who you can bounce off and sound off to. Who you can encourage and pick up when they’re flagging in self-belief and who you can call on for support when you feel like you’re doing the same.
Who helped me
Most of the members of the Remarkable Marketing Blueprint have been an enormous help but I’ve spent more time recently talking to Iain Gray from Ten More Clients. Iain is incredibly astute when it comes to hunting down new clients, and he’s also a whizz at mind mapping, coaching and asking those questions you hope no-one will ask (such as…”are you sure that’s helping you achieve your goals?”) but in such a lovely way it’s the nicest telling off you’ve ever had.
Other memorable faces along the way…
This year has been mind blowing in terms of the people I’ve met who have really affected me in a positive way. There’s been Kenneth Castiel who introduced me to The Alchemist and is the man you’ll want to listen to if you want no-nonsense business advice from someone who built a multi-million pound business up from scratch. Paul Evans is the best public speaker I have ever seen and as well as being ridiculously productive (he’s a 4am riser) he is motivated to success by 100x Missions, a charity that helps educate and support orphaned children. Carline Anglade-Cole is the Million Dollar copywriter, and her materials are must-have reading for anyone who is serious about really getting to grips with the craft of writing copy that generates six-figure results.
People to come…
In 2011 I want to continue helping passionate entrepreneurs with their sales copy and course materials. I am also on the lookout for a great VA and possible another writer to help me with the work I’ll be taking on as I stagger and stumble through another amazing lesson of a year!
What about you? Who are the people that have helped you along in 2010? And who are you looking for to help out in 2011?
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amy Harrison. Amy Harrison said: RT @littleunred You are not an island: People you need to know to succeed in business http://bit.ly/gWR2YD […]