Yesterday I took a walk to the beach, and I wrote this for you. You can click on the picture and read it from a larger image or I’ve typed it up below if that’s easier…
Thurs 24th Feb 2011
Brighton, UK
A Handwritten note, from the heart, from me, to you.
Dear wonderful you,
I’m sitting on the stones on Brighton beach. It’s a beautiful day and the milder weather , coupled with the half term holidays means there’s a beautiful buzz from families: children sitting on benches with colouring books, two boys chasing each other with plastic swords and someone, somewhere beating a drum. I’ll be honest, the drum is annoying. Between that and the waves it’s like getting a massage whilst someone taps you on the head with a spoon…
I got out the flat because I was overwhelmed. When that happens I have to either power through or take a break. The crap thing is, I can never tell which one’s going to be the right choice without a lot of frustration and swearing first.
So I got up and took a walk. I felt sad, and then I saw the sea. Nothing makes me feel more insignificant in a good way like the sea.
Trying to pinpoint the source of frustration I felt it from a rousing chorus of Bruce Springsteen on my mp3 player. Passion. Passion and communication. And that’s why I’m writing this note to you by hand.
I don’t have a plan for what I’m trying to tell you, and the amount of “Is” in this post means I’m breaking a ton of rules by not focusing on you the reader. But I am, I’m thinking of you and all I want to say is please use what I teach, please use the techniques to write persuasively to your audience but do it from the spirit in you that moves you to tears, that frightens you. Do it from that feeling inside that threatens to bubble up and explode if you ignore it. The part of your hear that overwhelms you and makes you feel as small as the sea does. That’s the part that makes you powerful, that’s the part that has to drive your communication.
I was overwhelmed because I was trying to find the “right” thing to do, the next smart marketing move. But my heart reprimanded me, brought me to the sea and reminded me that my passion and purpose is to help others communicate their passion and purpose to those they can help.
Now excuse me whilst I kick a hole in that sodding drum. xxx Amy.
Nothing like a comment on a post a full year after it went online… 😉
This really hit home with me, and truer words were never spoken. I’ve only written two sales letters in my life, but both were very successful because they came from the exact place you describe – from the heart, with passion, with meaning.
Any time I’ve ever tried to sit down and write from a “let’s make money with this” perspective, I’ve been punished with either blank pages, or rubbish copy.
Thank you for the reminder as I slowly move back into the world of online marketing – remembering as long as I always present things to people from the core of who I am, that’s all that really matters. 🙂
Hey Mike – thanks for taking the time to share your comment. It’s easy to get carried away and go through the motions of doing things, but every now and then if you can check in with yourself, and take time to listen, I don’t think you can go far wrong. 🙂