I was lucky enough to hear the entrepreneur Julie Meyer speak this week at the Women Unlimited Create your Future Conference and as I scribbled notes (definitely a Dictaphone job next time) something she said made me stop and think. Julie explained how she had never liked the term “breaking through the glass ceiling” as a form of achievement. Why force yourself to fit into another’s structure rather than carve a path that celebrated your unique strengths?
A structure; a job for example, is comforting. It offers boundaries, and gives employees stages of professional progression and development. Some people are able to find a job that offers them a career that is in keeping with their own personal dreams and goals whilst others feel choked by their profession; writhing and wrangling as a means to fit their square selves into that round hole. Some people who are unhappy will find another job more suited to them, some will start up on their own and some will writhe and wrangle until they can writhe no more and accept the situation.
In the current climate, structure and security as we have known it is changing dramatically. People’s safe houses are being torn down as business down size or close altogether. It is no surprise that the number of freelancers is increasing. With frightening necessity, people are forced to build their own structure.
In this difficult time, many will struggle, but some might just build their own palaces that they might otherwise never have imagined.
Thanks for the comment Barbara!
Your point –
In this difficult time, many will struggle, but some might just build their own palaces that they might otherwise never have imagined.
The story of my life. 🙂 Great post!