As a business owner, it can be difficult to find the time to sit down and write great articles that connect with your audience.
So I’m setting you the challenge to write a great article for your audience in just 15 minutes.
I’m betting you think about your business a lot. This might feel like you don’t have the time to think about writing but it’s your passion for your business that connects you with your audience.
And I’ll let you know something else, sometimes the shorter posts that you write will delight your audience because as much as they love reading your articles, they want time to be working on their own passions, interests and businesses as well.
A short post about your everyday experience of your business can be a powerful glimpse into your life, and it’s a great way of communicating something that you might previously have thought wasn’t interesting enough for a blog post, but ends up really thrilling your audience.
So here’s the challenge:
Pick one thought you had about your business today
Were you thinking aboutyour sales, your marketing, improving your product or getting more exposure to new audiences? Were you just thinking about how good it would be to get some better processes in place that gave you more time? Were you wondering how to connect to the people that might help your business the most?
for me, I thought about how I really wanted to write an article but wasn’t sure how to fit it in due to a very hectic schedule with the family visiting. I was worried that if I left it to post next week I would be letting you down and myself down by getting out of the 2 posts a week discipline I want to deliver to you.
Why would your customers be interested?
You know that to really connect with our audiences, you have to write about them. So if you’re thinking about a problem, is it a problem your customers might also share? If so have you thought about how to find a solution to it? Or is it something you can ask your audience about to share experiences within your readership?
My problem was finding the time to write due to a family visit. Finding the time to write is definitely something that resonates with my clients, so I tried to create a quick solution to help them with this.
Write about it for 10 minutes
Set a timer, tell a friend to call you in 10 minutes and sit down and type. Don’t worry too much about structure just keep it simple and chatty. Tell your audience what you were thinking, and why they might be interested in.
Take 5 minutes to publish it and let people know about it
Slap your text into a blog post, then send out a tweet, or facebook message or tell your friends.
This is a good quick fix if you want to keep up conversation momentum with your audience, and share the expertise you have in your business. I’d still recommend scheduling time in to write your longer posts, but if an unexpected occurrence happens, you’ll have the confidence that you can still reach out to your audience and offer value even if you only have 15 minutes.
This is a great tip Amy & one I am going to implement.
My blog posts take me sooooo long to write & edit/proof so I really struggle to post on a weekly basis (which is what I would like to do). And, not surprisingly, I am noticing that I tend to write the same length posts time & time again !
Thanks again!
Hey Jen! Glad it helps, if you can post weekly, you’ll probably find yourself able to write posts quicker as your writing muscle gets stronger! Let me know how it goes! 🙂
Hi Rasmus, thanks for the comment,
Free writing is a weird but really good exercise. You can find the oddest thoughts are rattling round in your head but once on paper there’s usually something productive and creative that you can do with them.
Love your site by the way!
Overthinking it is such a common mistake for writers of any type. This reminds me a lot of those creative writing exercises, where your pen is not to leave the paper for X minutes. It’s remarkable what can come out this way.