Life is busy, particularly if you’re self employed or launching a new business. Down time can feel like wasted time and shutting off can seem impossible when there are proposals to prepare, research to do, statistics to analysis and numbers to crunch. This is a simple post to urge you to remember to take some […]
Rejected = Selected
Life is funny, I don’t know whether I believe in fate, but I do sometimes feel the universe sends us little signals – or perhaps we just end up seeing what we want… I was sending my brother a text this week about my latest story rejected, and as I typed in “rejected” the predictive […]
What's The Worst Thing That Could Happen (If You Try To Be Yourself?)
I’ve just returned from having lunch with a friend who is training to be a life coach. We’ve known each other over 10 years and we always laugh whether we’re lunching, coffee-ing or out drinking. I love our chats of late which are usually about self improvement and making fools of ourselves. Interestingly we were […]
Easter – Regroup and Refocus Your Thoughts
As the chill of the last three months begins to thaw, it is a great time to take the tentative steps out of the cave where you have been hibernating, blink into the sunshine (if you’re lucky enough to have sunshine) and think “Okay…now what?” You may not have been sleeping in a cave for […]
The 10% Baby Step to Save Time
In hard times, it’s necessary to trim the fat and make sure that you or your business are operating as effectively as possible. Most people have heard of Pareto’s 80/20 principle which states that roughly 80% of results come from 20% of the effort. Many will find it hard to conceive jump down to such […]
Are You Heading Towards Your End Goal?
If we had to take a trip to New York, we could probably do it. Money aside, the physical action of getting ourselves from one place to another is relatively straight forward to most people. We would need to get ourselves to the airport, get on a flight to New York and there we would […]
How To Break The Glass Ceiling? Build Your Own House
I was lucky enough to hear the entrepreneur Julie Meyer speak this week at the Women Unlimited Create your Future Conference and as I scribbled notes (definitely a Dictaphone job next time) something she said made me stop and think. Julie explained how she had never liked the term “breaking through the glass ceiling” as […]
Website Design
I now have Photoshop so will be working on the site design in the coming weeks and licking it into shape (hopefully). I also want to add more service packages to make it easier for clients to choose!
"Don't Try, Can't Fail"…But Nor Will You Succeed
I once knew someone whose motto was to never put himself forward for anything. He would half complete courses but never take the exam, his belief being that if they never took a test he could never “fail” at anything. He admitted his motto was “Don’t Try, Can’t Fail.” It’s an interesting philosophy and whilst […]
Writing a New Column for Women Unlimited
A few posts back I told you that I had offered to submit articles to the fantastic new online resource for women in business: Women Unlimited. I was subtly persistent in offering to write for them as I believe this is a fantastic resource and going to be a great site for women thinking of […]